Catalog: Cayuga-Onondaga BOCES (Web Registration)

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DASA: Harassment, Bullying, Cyberbullying, and Discrimination in Schools: Prevention and Intervention Certification Training

Program: Online Workshops: Professional Development Unit

Activity Owner/Manager: Laura Purdy  -

Dates: On-Going (Ends Jun 1, 2024)

DASA: New York State's Dignity for All Student's Act (Dignity Act) seeks to provide NYS public elementary and secondary school students with a safe, supportive environment free from discrimination, intimidation, taunting, harassment, and bullying on school property, a school bus and/or at a school function. The Cayuga-Onondaga BOCES is a NYSED approved provider of the Dignity Act certification training.

The required training consists of a 6-hour asynchronous online training with accompanying assignments.

****You will be sent an invoice for $50.00 upon registration.

All registration fields must be filled out including address and phone number, or we will not be able to process your registration.

Course link will be emailed to you once payment has been received by our business office.****

Please contact Sara Herman with any questions at