Activity Details

Deeper Learning New York 2025

Join us at Deeper Learning, the global gathering of educators, leaders, and change-makers, working to create more student-centered schools.

At #DLNY25 we look ahead to imagine what school can be, in a way that is joyful, reflective and inspiring.

Innovative leadership ignites the journey of Deeper Learning by re-envisioning conventional educational paradigms. Our conference theme, "Leading for Deeper Learning" acknowledges the extraordinary juncture we find ourselves in, poised to craft groundbreaking learning communities. Whether your inspiration stems from the boundless realms of technology, nature, the creative expressions of the arts, cutting-edge design, or pioneering curriculum designs, venturing beyond the confines of convention has the potential to usher in profoundly novel prospects for your school community.

Component (MHLI) Rate: $550
General Registration: $650

Super Early Bird Pricing through October 15, 2024!
Component (MHLI) Rate: $275
General Registration: $325

Early Bird Pricing through March 1, 2025
Component (MHLI) Rate: $400
General Registration: $485

Jul 15, 2025 - Jul 16, 2025
July 15, 2025 and July 16, 2025
Breakfast and registration: 8:00-8:45 AM
Day 1 program: 8:45-3:45 Day 2 program: 8:45-2:45

Jul 15, 2025 - Jul 16, 2025
July 15, 2025 and July 16, 2025
Breakfast and registration: 8:00-8:45 AM
Day 1 program: 8:45-3:45 Day 2 program: 8:45-2:45

  • Sarah Dudley-Lemek
  • Deeper Learning, High Tech High Graduate School of
    • Mid-Hudson Leadership Institute


    403 Broadway
    Kingston, NY 12401
    Google Maps

    Room:403 Broadway, Kingston, NY 12401

    P-12 and Higher education

    DescriptionUnitsPriceSubscriber Price
    CTLE Hours14485400

    District PO
    District PO

    Personal Check (Mailed)
    Participant mails check in advance of activity.

    Credit Card
    Accept Visa, Mastercard

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